Clinical Nutrition, Acupuncture And Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Botanical Medicine, Lifestyle Counselling And Stress Management, Laboratory Testing, Acupuncture, Naturopathic Medicine, Naturopathic Doctor
Restore the balance of energy in your body with effective acupuncture techniques at The Naturopathic Care center in Stratford. Contact us to achieve your health goals in a supporti...more...See more text
Pain Relief, Chinese Medicine, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Acupuncture During Pregnancy, Cupping, Energy Work (Qi Gong), Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Anna is trained in both Clinical and Classical Acupuncture. She formally studied under Katherine Lambraki, PHd, Registered Acupuncturist, and Qi Gong Master in Kitchener, Ontario. ...more...See more text
Unit 109-110, 280 Lester Street, Waterloo, ONN2L 3W5Get directions
Homeopathy is an effective alternative treatment modality to alleviate symptoms of a variety of chronic problems. This includes, but is not limited to, symptoms such as hair loss, ...more...See more text
Knee Pain, Lower back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Sciatica Pain, Fibromyalgia, Hip Pain, Massage & Acupuncture
At iCare Acupuncture & Massage, we combine massage therapy and acupuncture therapy, helping our patients to obtain the best result. Located in Waterloo, our clinic is clean, comfor...more...See more text
Andrea is a Classical Homeopath who has a passion for helping people of all ages heal naturally. At Hauser Homeopathy, patients feel supported on all levels - mentally, emotionall...more...See more text