Do you remember when milk bottles were delivered right to your door? Most people don’t, but Magalie Bastrash and Thalia Herrera do. They both come from cultures where that tradition still existed when they were growing up. So when they thought about starting their juicing business, Joys of Living, that was a key feature for both of them. “Reviving that tradition was very important for us,” explains Magalie, “because it’s part of how we support our customers’ health. Everyone is so busy today, and sometimes we forget to support our bodies nutritionally so that we feel and perform our best.”
Magalie knows first hand just how effective juicing can be. When she was in her 20s, she suffered from significant digestive issues and sought out the help of a naturopath. “My hormones were out of balance, and I wasn’t sleeping properly,” recalls Magalie. “I had acid reflux, too, and I knew that I was way too young to have all these problems. So I was put on a six-month juicing program. It worked, and juicing is still an integral part of my daily routine.”