Take a walk through Vancouver’s South Granville district and you won’t forget the Ian Tan Gallery. Like a gem on a silver chain, the storefront’s floor-to-ceiling window displays of stunning art work stand out among the many other galleries and antique dealers that line the street. Recognized as one of Canada’s premier commercial art galleries, its high ceilings and white walls create space for quiet introspection. Guests are encouraged to linger, admiring original pieces that include oil paintings, watercolours, drawings, art objects, glassworks and sculptures.
Owner Ian Tan and his team of consultants work tirelessly to brighten a client’s blank wall or illuminate a dark corner. They provide what Ian calls “the whole package”: appraisals, framing, shipping, rentals and installation. Known for his warm demeanour and observant eye, he goes the extra mile, using Photoshop to sample different pieces on a wall or lending out paintings for week-long test runs.
Another local gallery that specializes in contemporary art, Ian Tan has a strong regional bent, focusing predominantly on West Coast artists. Visitors should expect to see landscapes and nature scenes, filtered through modern sensibilities. This is a small and modest place from the outside, but on its walls hang much of Canada’s finest art.