You can beat the traffic and avoid gridlock headaches by hopping on your bike and cycling to work. And Calgary’s extensive pathway system makes travelling on two wheels a pleasure. The city features a plethora of bike shops ready to get you on the road.
Bow Cycle as been serving Calgary cyclists since way back in 1957. More than just a place in which to purchase bikes, cycling accessories and clothing, it also features a weekly riding club for enthusiasts who want to get outdoors and combine riding while socializing.
Take your two-wheeler to The Bike Shop for an overhaul or tune-up. carries a wide assortment of bike models. From road bikes, mountain bikes, commuter bikes and hybrid bikes to kids' bikes, it's got, well, lots of bikes. The shop also donates bicycle and repair services to those in need.
A familiar name in outdoor gear, Mountain Equipment Co-Op also carries bicycles and operates a bicycle repair service. Choose from hybrid urban bikes and mountain bikes as well as children’s models.
This Kensington shop has been in business since 1945. Ridley’s has what you want, whether it’s a hybrid bike for commuting around the city or a high-performance road bike. Also find a wide range of clothing and bike accessories that will get you out of your car and cycling to work every day.
Pure Cycle features an assortment of mountain, road, hybrid, cross, kids and BMX bikes. The shop also features a full-service bike shop that will do everything from minor tune-ups to a full overhaul of your neglected and abused bicycle.
Besides having a very cute name, Bike Bike sells stylish cycles that will get you noticed in the city’s parks and on its pathways. The shop specializes in commuter bikes and European models that will make running errands comfortable and chain-grease free. The shop also carries bags, baskets and clothes.