The annual spring Highway Clean-up will be held on May 17th. Everyone will meet at the Lodge at 0900 and then go to the Lodge sponsored piece of the highway and clean it up. For those that just want bags ahead of time or for those that have any questions call Matt at the LodgeWE ARE HERE FOR YOU~Isn't it great to be a Moose! Come down and join us for fellowship, Fun, Friendship, Volunteerism, and Socialize with your Fellow Moose MembersMOOSE LOOSE UPDATE~As most of you know the Loose Moose at the Lodge has not been started yet, well I have good news. There will be a get together at the Lodge on Saturday, May 10th at 1pm, to help stuff the envelopes.Administrator's Messageclick hereHello my fellow Moose Members and Co-Workers. Most of you know me, but for those that don't, my name is Matthew Lemoine. I have been part of the lodge since last May, and it has been my pleasure working with the current board. I was the intern administrator, working with Dan, George, and Pablo, and in November I was appointed treasurermore...See more text