The outputs (Free) last 2h bay of St Malo and are propose'es about two months from July 25 to September 30. No need to be bilingual e ^ except Breton can e ^ tre . !!!!! For re'server: solidairesenpeloton@arsep.orgLa scle'rose in plaquesSEP, Multiple sclerosis, MS, SPSite sharing information APF about the disease, its treatment, daily life you can also read many testimony that cater to 'you .NB: me'dicales the information provided on the site www.sclerose en are destine'es to' relative weak improve, not to replace, the relationship between patient and professional HEALTH. This site is for people touche'es or in connection with the disease. The information is me ^ me traite'e under diffe'rents angles and by diffe'rents authors: the richness of the experience!more...See more text