Pixsoul Media

Products and Services

  • Print,
  • Web,
  • And Mobile Design,
  • Video Production Design,
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Methods of Payment:

  • E-transfer

Meet the owner

In today's crowded marketplace, standing out is more important than ever. With an emphasis, on superior service, rapid turnaround and competitive rates, creative director Ashlea Spitz and her design team at Pixsoul Media work with clients to create quality marketing strategies and products that differentiate them from the competition.

Since it's inception in 2004, the company has carved out a niche in the resource industry, drawing many clients in mining exploration, oil and gas.

“As the industry changes, clients' needs evolve,” says Ashlea.  “The technology is changing so rapidly. Print is never going to go away, but it's a very traditional type of media. Now the focus is more on video production and having custom profile videos up on websites.”

Ashlea points to the high degree of returning clients as a testament to the quality of their service, and ability to stay on the cutting edge of the design and marketing industry. She says that often when a client comes to them for one project, they'll end up switching all of their marketing materials to Pixsoul Media because they like the consistent branding across platforms and mediums.

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